In 2010, Cadbury released the two-pack Wispa Duo Bar, a delightful extension of the beloved chocolate bar. To promote it, we created a unique campaign, injecting a playful element into it by labeling the duo as a ‘left bar’ and a ‘right bar’.
Our campaign featured the line ‘WISPA: LEFT BAR OR RIGHT BAR?’ to engage the public.
Online, we released (Wisp)announcements that suggested ways to handle a misplaced left or right bar.
In 2010, Cadbury released the two-pack Wispa Duo Bar, a delightful extension of the beloved chocolate bar. To promote it, we created a unique campaign, injecting a playful element into it by labeling the duo as a ‘left bar’ and a ‘right bar’.
Our campaign featured the line ‘WISPA: LEFT BAR OR RIGHT BAR?’ to engage the public.
Online, we released (Wisp)announcements that suggested ways to handle a misplaced left or right bar.
Outdoor Posters, Online banners and Social Media
United Kingdom and Ireland.
Fallon, London
Creative Director
Outdoor Posters, Online banners and Social Media
United Kingdom and Ireland.
Fallon, London
Creative Director